370 Monroe Ave, Kenilworth, NJ 07033
7 AM to 7 PM / Sat-Sun: 10 AM to 4 PM


The State of New Jersey requires that all student drivers have their eyesight checked through a vision test. In order to pass the vision test, you must have 20/50 visual acuity in at least one eye with or without the use of corrective lenses.


The State of New Jersey requires that all student drivers have their eyesight checked through a vision test. In order to pass the vision test, you must have 20/50 visual acuity in at least one eye with or without the use of corrective lenses.

If you pass the test using corrective lenses, you will have a restriction on your NJ drivers license indicating that you must wear these corrective lenses while behind the wheel. If you fail the test, you will have to visit your doctor and complete Form ST-14.

uNITED Driving School is able to provide the vision test services in our office, eliminating the need to travel to the NJ MVC Driver Testing Center, providing another level of convenience for our customers.